Tourney Talk: HoopsHD interviews North Carolina cheerleader Jada Angel

The North Carolina men’s basketball team made the title game last April before losing to Kansas. They could not make it back to the NCAA tourney this year but their women’s team made the cut and will play St. John’s this afternoon. In addition to shining a light on the players who got the job done on the court, it is also important to recognize the spirited students who have worked just as hard on the sidelines, such as band members/cheerleaders/dancers. Earlier today HoopsHD’s Jon Teitel got to speak with North Carolina cheerleader Jada Angel about her book recommendation.

You are from New York: what made you choose UNC? When choosing a college to attend I wanted to go to a big school with school spirit and amazing academics…and Carolina had all three. Another thing I loved about Carolina was the atmosphere: there is just something about Chapel Hill that feels like home.

You have been cheering for most of your life: how did you 1st get into it, and what is the best part? I got into cheerleading through my hometown friends who were cheering at the time. They taught me their routine and we performed it for my parents. After that, I begged my mom to let me join my youth league team and my love for the sport grew from there. The best part of cheerleading is the connections/bonds you form through participating in the sport.

You are majoring in Environmental Studies and minoring in Composition/Rhetoric/Digital Literacy: why did you choose those subjects, and what is the post-graduation plan? I have always loved the outdoors and was interested in how human behavior impacts the environment and how these effects may be addressed. My minor focuses on how corporations, advocacy groups, and governmental agencies develop campaigns and messages on various platforms. Once I graduate I plan to work in sustainability consulting and marketing.

You have spent several years as a cheerleading coach: what is the hardest part of being a coach? The hardest part is keeping your emotions in check. As a coach, I only want the best for my athletes and while working with them I form bonds and relationships…but cheerleading is also a numbers sport and the love for an athlete cannot outweigh the best decisions for a team.

1 of your hobbies is reading: do you have any book recommendations? Alice Sebold’s “The Lovely Bones” is a book I recommend. The topic of accepting life’s events even if you aren’t in control of them is discussed in the book. It is written in snapshots that connect the lives of living people together. The plot centers around a family’s sadness and the unsolved murder of the main character, Susie. The reader experiences moments of pure adrenaline as they follow the protagonists in their quest for knowledge, motivation, and the murderer itself.

Your men’s team made the NCAA title game last year before losing to Kansas: what is your favorite memory from their remarkable run? The spirit and camaraderie in the Hill was my favorite part of the men’s basketball team’s championship journey last year. Nobody anticipated that we would defeat Baylor or get as far as the title game. Being the underdogs that we were, beating the odds was remarkable. Defeating Duke in the Final 4 and rushing Franklin Street for the second time that season was the cherry on top!

Your women’s team made the ACC tourney quarterfinals before losing to Duke: how do you describe the rivalry to someone who has never seen it in person? The UNC-Duke rivalry is the best rivalry in college sports. I would explain it as, “the moment.” It is not only a fight for the better blue (which is Carolina Blue!) but for state and national dominance.

How does your school decide who gets to go to the NCAA tourney, and what will it mean to you to see your group doing its thing in front of a national TV audience? Our coaches choose who gets to travel based on skill/seniority. I have been given an amazing opportunity to travel with the women’s basketball team to two NCAA tournaments during both of my years as a cheerleader at Carolina. I am grateful for the opportunity to cheer in March Madness. It is not often you see a program as diverse as ours on national television.

Does your squad have anything extra-special planned for Columbus? We plan to give every game our all. The women’s basketball team has worked so hard this season, battling injuries/obstacles and they deserve to have the love and support the cheerleading team can give to them. As a squad, we will bring energy to Columbus.

Any predictions for the Tar Heels on Saturday afternoon vs. St. John’s? I have 100% confidence in the UNC Women’s Basketball team and we will win the game against St. John’s: Go Heels!

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